Had an incredible time teaching at Appliqué Away On Galveston Bay!! Loved all my students and had so much working with them as they learned about Broiderie Perse.
My students worked on quilt blocks from the Roseville Album Pattern by Kim McClean.
Arrived at the Tremont Hotel (Where the event is always held) just in time to see the last
Mardi Gras parade of the weekend go past. It was so fun. Set up my room in time for the evening meet and greet. That was Sunday evening. Monday morning began with a wonderful breakfast and off for my first of two classes.
Each morning began with a wonderful breakfast, the days would end with an evening sit and stitch. There was fun up on the roof and an amazing Banquet on Wednesday night that featured a wonderful lecture with Catherine Redford
. If you get a chance to take a class with her take it. She's fantastic!!!!
Was so sad for Thursday to come and for Appliqué Away on Galveston Bay to come to a close. Check out their website for next year in June, as always they will have a great slate of teachers.
Chat again soon
